Paisley has been a dream of owner and operator, Alyssa, for most of her life. After being vegetarian for a few years Alyssa decided to go vegan in 2009, and lost over 100 pounds from diet change alone. She knew the satisfaction of feeling great and saving the lives of countless animals was something she wanted to share with the world. As the weight melted away, her love for food and hospitality did not. After many frustrating attempts at dining out as a vegan, and a few tummy aches later, she decided she needed to do something about it.
Alyssa has spent the last four years, alongside longtime boyfriend, Michael, and their tiniest taste tester daughter, Audrey, creating decadent recipes. By testing these recipes on friends, carnivores and vegans alike, she adjusted flavors based on their feedback. This quickly resulted in many calls and texts from friends who craved her vegan creations and had to have more.
Getting serious about her project was the next step. She scrimped and saved every cent she could scrape together. She crafted a strong business plan and delicious menu with help from some great friends. Then she decided to take the leap! Paisley is slated to open March 2016. After four years, Alyssa and family are beyond excited to be able to share their dream with the community.
Our brand new Melbourne Location is located at 2447 N Wickham Rd #149 In the L.A. Fitness and Thrifty Produce Plaza on the corner of Lake Washington Rd. and Wickham Rd. (321)622-6580